45+ Artists, 25+ magical experiences.
On January 17 and 18th, 2020 a group of artists, technologists, and hackers gathered at the Riveter, for a weekend of collaborative creative experiments—an exciting collision of people, practices, and ideas to bring unique interactive installations, immersive experiences, and magical performances to life.
Creators and Works
Apis Langtoni
Cannot Kinect
Cutietime Space Cats
Deconstructed Mirror
Jabberwocky Tea Time
Light Response
Melodic Tendrils
Monolith Synth
Nested Cells
Polytopistry presents:some shape games
Shapes in space and time
Table It
Tell Me Secrets
Water Mother
Wilderness Box
Partners and Sponsors
Adina Morgan
Alan Page
Alanna Risse
Alex Hessler
Ali Meechoovet
Andrew Kreps
Anselm Hook
Armon Jahanshahi
Ashlin Aronin
Audrey Otis
Bennett Battaile
Bernado Pantoja
Bradley Anderson
Brenda Trammel
Brendan Jones
Cailin Carlile
Cat Nostrand
Catherine Ross
Connor Seymour
Conrad Kaczor
Damien Dawahare
Dan Good
Danny Norton
Darcy Neal
Darrell Rossman
Elaine Lai
Elaine Lee
Elyssa Kelly
Emily Katz
Eric Beug
Francesca Frattaroli
Gabrielle Kilgore
Giannini Vargas
Hilary Tsai
Hugo Paris
Humaira Tasneem
Jack Hale
Jack Stringer
Jacob Richman
Jeffrey Dinsmore
Jen Tam
Jesse England
Jessica Liu
Jo Lundberg
John Brown
Justin Patrizi
Kelly Young
Kenneth Pullen
Kevin Lee
Laurel Jensen
Libby Hamlin
Lindsay Goldner
Luces Huayhuaca Lambert
Lucy Hashizume
Marisa Morby
Mars Castro
Mary Weisenberger
Matthew Sottile
Maxwell Ettell
Mia Dorsey
Michael Condon
Michael Deal
Michael Fanuzzi
Miguel Higgins Moy
Mike Baran
Nandini Ranganathan
Nick Rivas
Nicole Cousineau
Nikki Sato
Nyssa Oru
Pat Jagla
Paul Stoffregen
Reese Bowes
Reid Beels
Rihards Vitols
Rihards Vitols
Ron Braithwaite
Sam Hicks
Sam Mendoza
Sara Mathew
Sarah Bailey
Scott King
Scott Nieradka
Sean Forsythe
Shana Palmer
Shannon O’ Brien
Sophia Emigh
Stephanie Fogel
Stephanie Freund
Stephanie Jemiola
Stephen Lee
Surya Buchwald
Taylor Hammes
The Wiz
Thomas Lodato
Tim Ledwith
Todd Greco
Tom Flynn
Victoria Martinez
Yadira Valadez
Zack Marlow
Zak Stone
Equipment, technology and materials are provided in part by: The Wiz, Shashi Jain, Paul Reynolds, and many of the participants and members of the CETI community.