Ran Sheng (盛然) is a multifaceted animation artist, driven by his cultural heritage and personal experiences. With a penchant for surreal imagery and metaphorical symbols, he crafts narratives that delicately balance time, space, and memory across various mediums, including animation, collage, and projection installation. Originally from Beijing, China, Sheng's artistic journey led him to Portland in 2015, where he honed his skills through diverse roles in graphic design, animation, and video production. His prowess in stop-motion animation was showcased in his acclaimed thesis film "Karma Has You," earning him the William H. Givler Thesis Award upon graduating from the Pacific Northwest College of Art (PNCA) in 2018.
Expanding his artistic horizons, Sheng ventured into the local animation scene as a stop-motion animator from 2019 to 2020 and later embraced freelance work until 2021. Transitioning to a role as Lead Support Specialist at a local art college in 2021, he now shares his expertise and passion, guiding emerging animators.
Personal Website: https://shengran.art
Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/soloplayer