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Microcontrollers and Kits
Microcontrollers are compact integrated circuits containing a processor core, memory, and programmable input/output peripherals, serving as the brain of embedded systems and enabling the control of various electronic devices. The lab has an assortment of microcontrollers and microcontroller kits.
Additional details
Adafruit Flora v3, Flora NeoPixel v2, Flora GPS, Flora Bluefruit LE, Adafruit Gemma v2, Gemma MO, Adafruit Trinkey, Adafruit Feather, Arduino Uno R3, Teensy 4.0, Bela (and Bela Trill), Raspberry PI 4
Other Components
Teensy 4 Audio Shield, Adafruit 1.12in Mono OLED, Sparkfun 16x2 line display, Adafruit KB2040 (keyboard driver), Adafruit MCP2221A breakout, Adafruit TCA4307 I2C Hot Swap, Adafruit TB6612 Stepper Motor Driver, Adafruit Maker Pi Motor and Robot Controller, ADS1015 12-Bit ADC, Adafruit small arcade joystick, Makey Makey Invention Kit, Microphone Amplifiers, Misc Development Boards, Stepdown power, Servos, Wheels, Motors, LED Controllers, LED Filament and strips, Conductive paint, Conductive tape