Luxuriant Learning to Exfoliate and Refresh the Mind and Inspire the Imagination!
For students, educators, professionals, and community—including artists, designers, ecologists, futurists, policymakers, data scientists, researchers, technologists, engineers, and innovators.
Spring Break Adventures in Learning, Creating, and Experimenting with Technology. Join us as we gather to experiment, vision, learn, skill-share, and perform in a series of workshops, talks, demos, design sessions, and experiences for all levels.
Topics include: Electronics, audio/visual programming, machine learning, photogrammetry, projection mapping, video tools, and wearables.
March 23–March 31, 2024
Fariborz Maseeh Hall, Room 218
1855 SW Broadway
Events and Programs
Creative Exploration with 360 Cameras
DIY MIDI Controllers with Teensy
Electronics is not as Hard as it Looks: Build an Atari Punk Synth
Intro to 360 Video
Intro to Audio Programming with Max/MSP
Intro to TouchDesigner with Reaction Diffusion
Light Up Digital Embroidery Patches
Luma AI scanning: Gaussian Splats & Nerfs
Machine learning tools for Visual Effects
Make the Visual Physical: Intro to Projection Mapping
Physarum Particle System with TouchDesigner and GLSL
Video Mixer March 2024