Environmental justice, climate resilience, and community health
Postcards From Our Climate Resilient Future, an augmented placemaking project, visualizes community designed actions to address the County’s Climate Justice Plan through a series of interactive dynamic artworks (augmented murals, posters, postcards and artifacts) depicting imaginative, joyful and hopeful visions of a just climate future in Multnomah County. The project brings voices and ideas of communities most impacted by environmental inequities and climate change to life in ways that are personal, poignant, powerful, and memorable, creating a storyscape accessible to all residents. Through Postcards from our Climate Resilient Future, CETI, Multnomah County, and our partners will share tactics and actions around the Climate Justice Plan, inspiring and mobilizing communities for environmental and social change.
Datawalking for climate, environment, and community health
A community science/participatory research project will design urban data “walks”—a series of community-based participatory data gathering, analysis, and storytelling around environmental research, climate strategy and health impacts for education. The project is mobilizing toward building our climate future, to build fluency and expertise in a diverse community by helping community members use the powerful tools of data analytics and interpretation to tell their own stories, create their own innovative tools, and advocate for resources and policies. Datawalks will yield essential targeted localized data on environmental, natural, and built phenomena and explore the potential of individuals and communities to gather and manage data while moving through their daily environments.
Upcoming Activities
We will have ongoing work sessions in the CETI Lab for research, skill-building on the tools, and occasional generative sessions, design sprints and hack days.
Team: Fall 2024
Aaron Post
Amy Meyer
Amy Meyer
Bernardo Pantoja
Hilary Tsai
Jairaj Singh
John Wasiutynski
Julia Bonnheim
Mareika Glenn
Marin Vesely
Martin Smith
Matt Kelly
Peter Vickery
Scott Nieradka
Steven Christian
TJ Orloski
Team: Summer 2023
Amy Meyer
Daniela Molnar
Fernanda D’Agostino
Francoise Lemieux
Hannah Skutt
Heather Dunaway Smith
Jairaj Singh
John Wasiutynski
Knowledge Murphy
Mareika Glenn
Meenakshi Rao
Michael Heavers
Monique Smiley
Nandini Ranganathan
Peter Vickery
Ran Sheng
Rebecca Watkins
TJ Orloski