Code of Conduct

CETI is committed to an inclusive, collaborative, caring and respectful community environment to ensure that our programming, conversations, projects, and events offer extraordinary and joyful learning experiences for everyone.
This code of conduct applies to all our spaces, convenings, programs, projects, equipment and events physical and virtual including our website, forums, social media, github site, wiki, and any digital/virtual spaces or outposts we gather in. Participants are responsible for knowing and abiding by these rules. This code applies equally to staff, volunteers, organizers, attendees, participants, and members of our extended community. This isn’t an exhaustive list of things that you can’t do but a guide to make it easier to enrich all of us and the communities in which we participate.
Some of our programs, events, and spaces may have additional rules and policies in place, which will be made clearly available to participants. Participants are responsible for knowing and abiding by these rules.
We strive for all our programs to further our mission and embody our Values, Principles, and Culture.
We are a community of professionals, and we conduct ourselves professionally.
Be kind to others (people, spaces, objects).
Be friendly and patient.
Be welcoming. We strive to be a community that welcomes and supports people of all backgrounds and identities. This includes, but is not limited to members of any race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, colour, immigration status, social and economic class, educational level, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, age, size, family status, political belief, religion, and mental and physical ability.
Be respectful, thoughtful, and intentional in your actions and words.
Be collaborative and ensure that everybody is included and has access — to the tools, to the experts, and to be heard.
We do not tolerate harassment or disrespect of participants or at our convenings or spaces in any form.
Harassment includes but is not limited to offensive or abusive verbal or written comments related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability or illness, appearance, race, or religion; use of violent, derogatory, or threatening language, imagery, gestures, behaviour, or comments; personal attacks, insults, incitement/encouragement of violence and harassment, deliberate intimidation, stalking; posting sexually explicit or violent material; posting (or threatening to post) other people’s personally identifying information (“doxing”); harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of discussion,; inappropriate/unwelcome physical contact or intimacy, creating a sexualised environment, and unwelcome sexual attention; and advocating for, or encouraging, any of the above behavior. If someone asks you to stop, please stop!
Be safe and responsible — with the tools, and with your actions.
When you are in our spaces (in-person and virtual), we consider you staff . Please clean up after yourself, put everything back in its appropriate space. And please, if you have the time, help anybody who has questions.
Damage to, theft of, or unapproved modifications of our technology, equipment, and infrastructure especially in ways that might cause harm to a community member or our mission are considered abusive behaviour and violations of the code of conduct.
Please respect the expectations of privacy at our workshops, events, and in our spaces. Violations of our communities’ expectations of privacy include: gathering and sharing of any data of/about community members without consent; publication of non-harassing private communication; sharing any information revealing personal, identifying and/or contact information; or sharing images/videos/recordings taken during our events without the consent of the individuals involved.
We expect all members of our community to maintain integrity in their work and interactions. In particular, we expect: that you must acknowledge and cite all use of appropriated ideas, technologies, and work; acknowledge all contributors to your projects and all collaborative efforts; obtain all data by ethical means and report them accurately and completely without fabricating, corrupting, destroying or falsifying sources, data, technology, or results; and must follow all protocols and guidelines for ethical research, design, and experimentation without causing harm.
Violations whether intentional or inadvertent are considered significant/severe violations of our Code of Conduct.
Please make sure to read our ip policy and follow it especially as it relates to use in projects, events, and collaborations. We recognize that creative experimentation and innovation necessitates breaking some rules and we are strong advocates for research and experimentation, and open-source prototypes and tools, while acknowledging sources.
We do not permit the possession or carrying of firearms, ammunition or ancilliary accessories (even with concealed carry permits) or any weapons at any of our events, convenings, or spaces. This includes firearms that are locked or unloaded. Exceptions for creative experimentation and research must be authorised in writing and for specific context and projects by the CETI leadership.
All participants in our spaces, events, and programs agree to follow this Code of Conduct and consent to CETI’s waiver of Liability (by the act of registration, presence, and participation.)
All participants are required to maintain appropriate protocols as required by CETI, PSU, and government mandates. We will provide masks and hand sanitizer if needed. We expect participants to follow CDC/Multnomah County/City of Portland guidelines and CETI/PSU protocols. If you are feeling symptoms or had recent significant exposure to a known case of Covid, we ask that you stay at home and let us know as soon as possible by email – so we can make sure anybody else exposed can be safe. If you can take a test and the results are negative, we would be delighted to have you back participating in-person.
Anyone who violates this Code of Conduct or other CETI policies may be sanctioned or expelled from these spaces/programs/events/institute at the discretion of institute staff/event organizers without a refund.
All determinations are at the sole discretion of CETI, and the decision of the leading CETI representative will be final. Severe breaches of this Code of Conduct may result in disqualification from participating in future events. Individuals expelled due to violating this Code of Conduct will not be eligible for a refund or other consolation.
If you experience or observe discrimination, harassment, or violations of this Code of Conduct, or feel threatened or unsafe please contact any staff member or organizer (for events), or a member of security. We will respond as promptly as we can. Send email to if you are unable to find a staff member.
This Code of Conduct is a living/working document and is adapted from and an amalgamation of policies and codes from many many other amazing organisations. Spring 2023